Category Archives: Mind of Modernity
BoConcept Takes Advertising to a New Level of Cool!
BoConcept, the luxury furniture retailer, just released a 5 minute short, "The Guest", starring Mads Mikkelssen. Name doesn't sound that familiar? Remember the bad ass villain from James Bond Casino Royale who bled out of his eyes? Ya, that guy, and guess what, he's actually pretty funny.
We've seen a few big brands opt for shorts instead of traditional advertising recently, and also they took the route of hiring a big name actor to anchor it. BoConcept does a great job of not only offering an
How you should get ready for a first date!
While it’s tempting to believe that any woman will fall at the feet of a greasy, beer-bellied, belching guy with spaghetti Bolognese stains all over his t-shirt (he ate Bolognese three days ago), we all know that slobs rarely get the girl.
Instead, it’s those well-groomed, Brad Pitt types that women swoon over. You know– guys with six packs that would make an advert for Diet Coke look tame and a jawline so sharp that it could chop down a great oak tree with its manliness.
Yeah, you’re thinking,
5 Style Tips Any Guy Can Manage
In the networking and dating worlds, any edge you can get on other contenders can mean the difference between getting the job/girl, or falling just short because your prospect found something in your competition that was just a bit better.
This fact shouldn’t be intimidating to you – it should be inspiring. While some aspects of your daily life can be dominated by cutthroat competitors, much of the time, you can obtain superior results in your personal and professional life by being dramatically
Should I Drink Sports Drinks When I Exercise?
Generally, water is the best fluid for your body, hell you're made up of 75% of it! However, if you exercise for longer than an hour or in a hot/humid environment, you may need to supplement your hydration. In order to replace the carbohydrates used to fuel exercise and the electrolytes lost in sweat, sports drinks are optimal. They allow you to replenish your sources of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. The additional nutrients will often stave off feelings of fatigue. It is also
Eat 5 to 6 Meals a Day Instead of 3!
By Jeremy Albelda
Throw away that preconceived notion that three square meals a day is the best dietary prototype when it comes to eating. As Americans, we usually like to think of how we do things as best, but just take a look around at the world’s waistlines and you’ll see that our eating patterns are not ideal.
Having lived in Spain and Argentina for extended periods of time, I was left perplexed to why people stayed so skinny in cultures punctuated by hanging salted pigs and fried bread