Storing an RV Outside in the Winter: How to Prevent Damage
Once the weather outside gets frightful, that’s generally a sign that camping season is over, and it’s time to batten down your RV until the Spring. But, securing your camper until your next big trip is generally easier said than done, especially when you’re storing it out in the elements and going up against Winter’s worst.
Are you planning on storing your RV outside this Winter and want to make sure you do everything you can to keep it in tip-top condition until Spring? We’re here to help.
Here’s everything you need to know about storing an RV outside in the Winter.
Prep for the Cold
If your RV has a water system, you’re going to want to make sure you take the time to drain it out before storing it for the Winter, lest you risk breaking a few lines during a deep freeze.
Taking your RV into a service station for a thorough once over by a professional to make sure there aren’t any holes that will let in any moisture will also save you from having to make other costly repairs once everything thaws out too.
Protect It From an Invasion
When winter weather hits, the interior of your RV is even more at risk of damage than the exterior due to one hairy problem: rodents.
Squirrels, mice, and other furry-fiends may try to escape the elements by waiting out the Winter inside your RV, which can lead to some severe issues. Apart from making a mess of the place, rodents can chew through wiring and cause extensive (and, not to mention, expensive) damage.
Before locking up your RV for the season, take some tie to thoroughly inspect the interior and exterior for any tiny openings that could let vermin into your camper. Then fill up any holes you find with foam or silicone.
To keep rodents away, you should also give your RV a thorough deep cleaning to clear out any food that may be hiding in your cabinets. THen open all of your drawers and cabinets and leave them open until you’re ready to take your camper out again.
Keep It Covered
Finally, if you’re going to store your RV outside for the Winter, you should seriously consider investing in an RV cover.
Not only will an RV cover protect it from all of the snow and ice Winter can throw its way, but it will also protect your RV’s paint job from fading or cracking from exposure to the weather or UV rays and keep your RV looking pristine.
While all of these tips can help you protect your RV from Winter’s wrath, the only way you can ensure it stays completely safe all Winter long is by storing it in an RV storage unit. If you’re thinking about bringing your RV in from the cold this year, you can find out more about how to find an RV storage unit here.
Storing an RV Outside in the Winter
While storing an RV outside in the Winter is possible, fighting against the elements to keep your camper in good condition can feel like an uphill battle. But, all of that hard work will pay off next time you decide to take your RV out on the road.
Are you looking for more advice on how to maintain your RV, car, or home during the harsh weather? We’ve got you covered. Check out the rest of our blog for more informative articles.