Tag Archives: business

What you need to know about the benefits of contracting

Making that jump into contracting is often a very daunting move, and first-time contractors typically have a lot of questions they need answering. While there are a number of complex processes to get your head around at first, as well as extra tasks to carry out, there are plenty of benefits to being a contractor. Why should you become a contractor? There are numerous reasons to become a contractor, but largely people do it because they want to overhaul their lifestyle and take control of their

Safety first – why businesses are learning to trust the cloud

As more organizations migrate towards the Cloud, those that remain skeptical are often asked why they continue to approach the idea of adoption with caution. It's a valid question - the technology has proven time and again that it can be extremely cost-effective and offer a good ROI, it can enable staff to work flexibly and theoretically from anywhere in the world, and it can dramatically improve a business' levels of efficiency. The benefits are such that firms that aren't using the Cloud

Why use a travel management company when traveling for business?

As a rapidly growing startup, your new angle of how to do things in your niche is beginning to get traction, capturing the attention of venture capitalists far and wide. At this stage in your business, the time has come to get out from behind your laptop and begin to rack up some frequent flier miles in search of that sweet funding juice. However, beyond using travel aggregator websites to book plane tickets for holidays in the past, travel planning is something that nobody in your business has

Prizes: From The Simple To The Incredible

Competitions come in all shapes and sizes, so do the prizes. Competitions are normally organized by businesses and organizations (such as www.element-london.com) as a way of marketing new products and services, promoting a certain product, or creating awareness of certain social issues. If a company launches a new product, it needs the consumers to try it, and by competitions the winner gets to use the product thus marketing and also creating awareness at the same time. Competitions may also

What are the benefits of work benefits?

Okay, so this might not be the greatest headline ever made - our Pulitzer prize might have to wait - but we truly believe that company benefits can really contribute to the running of a good, healthy business. In this article we'll quickly outline all of the greatest advantages to implementing a range of benefits for your staff members and by the end you'll see why more and more businesses are changing tack and offering new reward schemes. Retention Companies are slowly becoming aware