Author Archives: admin

Surviving in the manufacturing industry: go niche or go home

The world of business has always been something of a dog-eat-dog place, where entrepreneurs develop ideas only to find that someone else has got ahead of them. It doesn't matter what industry sector a business is in, it needs to have something that will set it apart from its competitors. There's little point in going into manufacturing something that is going into a marketplace saturated with the same or similar offerings. A new business needs to develop a specific niche market, putting forward

Productive interiors: essential tips for functional office design

Many of us spend most of our working lives in an office environment of one kind or another.  Since living, let alone working, in an ugly or dull space is not conducive to personal happiness or production, the design of the office is something that you should consider long and hard.  The office environment has a direct and immediate impact on how workers interact and it influences their well-being, productivity and general health. Planning You need sufficient space to seat your employees, of

To Get Your Coupon Out on the First Date…Or Not?!

Written By: Joanna Jaoudie A few months ago, I headed to the great city of London for a birthday weekend with my boyfriend. Making the trip was a bit of a last minute decision – not exactly the wisest choice if you haven’t really thought about how much it’ll cost you.  Nevertheless, we let our friends in London know we were coming, packed a backpack, and booked the cheapest hostel deal we could find for 4 nights (averaging at £ 30 a night per head, with breakfast included) as well as our

Wild fancy dress ideas for party weekends!

This one is for the ladies! Bachelorette parties, birthday parties, Halloween, special anniversaries... what do they have in common? Well, obviously they are all great opportunities to party but even better, they each offer a great opportunity to go wild with fancy dress! Fancy dress is becoming an increasingly popular way to make parties go with a bang. Let's face it, very few people can help getting into the party mood once they have put on their glad rags and headed out to the venue. So, what

Designing The Ultimate Bachelor Pad

Just as a family home reflects the varied activities and interests of family life, so singles’ apartments should reflect individuals’ lifestyle and tastes. A bachelor pad that sends out all the right messages makes confident statements and transmits positive signals. Here are a few ideas to help get you started. The good news Once upon a time there was a widespread perception that single guys had no need to bother with anything resembling interior design and could continue to live in untidy